The new animated film 'Smart Kid' Producted by Honar Pouya, immerses viewers in a world of superheroes and wildlife. The story follows Mohsen, who encounters an endangered Iranian tiger, inspiring a journey to return it to the jungle. Despite challenges, 'Smart Kid' captivates with its engaging storyline, lovable characters, and high-quality animation, delivering messages of
In 2019, I had the honor of collaborating with Alzahra Company on the creation of the short animation "Prince Of His Era". This animation, which received a remarkable reception from the audience, narrates a beautiful story with the heartwarming voice of Ustad "Basim Karbalaei".
"Neighborhood" is a fun and educational animated series for children. It teaches Iranian-Islamic values through engaging stories and beautiful settings. I, Seyed Jalal Zare'i, was proud to contribute to this project!
The Elephant King is an Iranian animated film that tells the story of a clumsy elephant who must learn to overcome his challenges and find his place in the world. The film has been praised for its beautiful animation, heartwarming story, and positive messages about self-acceptance and perseverance.
"King of Water," a captivating 2016 animtion feature film. The film follows Farid's search for his missing father, Poyesh, who vanished during a work trip to Iraq. Combining stunning visuals with a suspenseful story, "King of Water" explores themes of family, hope, and the power of animation.